子陵栉鰕虎鱼(Ctenogobius giurinus)在嘉陵江中游南充段繁殖期在4~6月,产卵时间持续2~3h,每间隔1~2min交尾一次,每次交尾产卵30~50枚,累计产卵可达1000~1600枚。多数时间由雄性亲鱼负责孵卵,当雄性亲鱼出巢摄食时,由雌性亲鱼替代孵卵。成熟卵产出时为球形,卵径0.453~0.644mm,具黏性,呈淡黄色,半透明,油球1~30个,其中大油球1~4个。受精4min后吸水膨胀成椭圆形。根据其胚胎发育过程的形态特征,胚胎发育全程可划分为7个阶段:受精卵胚盘形成阶段、卵裂阶段、囊胚阶段、原肠胚阶段、神经胚形成阶段、器官形成阶段和孵化出膜阶段。在水温22.3~25.7℃的条件下,胚胎发育共需109h52min。出膜前的器官分化程度高,胸鳍原基、鳃板、半规管、鳔、下颌及颌齿在出膜前均已存在,初孵仔鱼全长2.485~2.640mm,体高0.350~0.460mm,初孵仔鱼至卵黄囊消失需要4d,至油球消失约6d。
Ctenogobius giurinus is a kind of small freshwater fish which propagates during April - June in the middle reaches of Jialingjiang in Nancbong. It has a egg-laying period of 2 - 3 hours, one copulation per interval of 1 - 2 minutes, egg-laying number of 30- 50 per copulation, and total egg number of 1 000 - 1 600.The male C. giurinus is responsible for hatching eggs in most of the time, and the female batches the eggs temporarily only when the male goes out to hunting for foods. The fertilized eggs were kept in a glass culture utensil during the observation. The results indicate that the fertilized and unfertilized eggs of C. giurinus have a group of sticky fiber on the one end which adheres to the gravel as well as other hard material. Their fertilized eggs are nearly spherical in shape and have a diameter of 0.453 - 0. 644 ram, which are light yellow, translucent and very extensible. There are 1 - 30 oil globules in each egg, of which 1 - 4 are obviously bigger in volume. The eggs begin to inflate and become ellipse by absorbing water after 4 min of fertilization. According to the morphological characteristics, the embryonic development of C. giurinus may be divided into seven stages:the fertilized egg and the blastoderm formation stage, the cleavage stage, the blastula stage, the gastrula stage, the neural stage, the organogenesis stage, and hatching stage. Under the water temperature of 22.3 -25.7℃, it requires 109 h 52 min for the embryonic development. The organs differentiation are highly degree before hatching, such as pectoral fin bud, gill plate, gas bladder, semicircular canal, evident mandible and geny-teeth. Newly hatched larvae have a total length of 2.485- 2.640 mm and body height of 0.350- 0.460 ram, which takes 4 days for the disappearance of the yolk sacs and 6 days for the disappearance of the oil globules after hatching.
Chinese Journal of Zoology
Ctenogobius giurinus
Reproductive character
Embryonic and larval development