Objective To evaluate the effects of biotype artificial membrane for repairing urethral defects in dogs. Methods Eight male young dogs were adopted in this study. A 5 cm urethral defect was induced in the eight dogs and repaired with biotype artificial membrane. A F10 silica gel tube was employed as postoperative urethral stent in all dogs. Micturition was observed daily and pathological observation was conducted to examine the regenerative segments of the urethra between 2 weeks and 6 months postoperatively. Results Urine could be drained through the urethral stent immediately after operation in all dogs. Only one dog had the urethral stent and artificial urethral membranes bitten out at 11 days after operation and this dog needed artifistulation. Pathological examination of this dog showed that no urethral tissue grew and substituted by connective tissue. Four dogs had urethral stent bitten out between 14 days and 22 days after operation. Other three dogs had their urethral stent drew out at one month or longer after operation. All the seven dogs could voluntary micturate after the re moval of urethral stent, four of which showed stream, the other three also showed satisfactory micturition with occasional dribbing. However, two of three recovered stream after urethral sounding. All the seven dogs had been conducted pathological examination. Two had urethral stent bitten out at 14 days after operation, of which one showed fibrinoid exudation covering the urethra and no survival transitional epithelial ceil mass when examined at 16 days after operation, while the other showed in tact urinary tract epithelia with mild scar tissue hyperplasia in the lamina propria when examined at 2 months after operation. The other five dogs all had retained urethral stent for more than 3 weeks and examined at 39 days, 48 days, 73 days, 162 days and 181 days postoperatively, respectively. Except focal ulcer formation in the urethra examined at 39 days after operation, the others showed normal urinary tract structure. Conclusions The hiotype artificial membrane is an ideal material to repair urethral defect. The urethral stent should be retained for at least two weeks to ensure the repairing of urethra. It takes more than one month to repair the 5 cm urethral defect.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Biofilms: Urethra