Some cultural phenomena in the 21st century deserve our attention, among which Kun Opera is a typical example. As a genre of drama with a long history, Kun Opera was listed officially by UNESCO as the spoken and non- material cultural heritage on May 18th, 2001. Over the last few years, there has been much talk about excavation, protection, succession and development on the part of the government and the public at large. Naturally there shows some zest centering round its performance, actors, lists of plays, lectures, collection, academic research and publication, the so called cultural phenomenon of Kun Opera. Such phenomenon is reflected in the following five areas: first, Kun Opera Phenomenon: Kun Opera and traditional culture in the course of modernization; second, The Peony Pavilion in its youth version: a case of Kun Opera development and revelation; third, succession and innovation: dialectical paradox and mistaken direction; fourth, collection of Kun Opera literature and theoretical research; fifth, the position and direction of Kun Opera in the new century.
Studies in Culture and Art
Kun Opera
cultural phenomenon
The Peony Pavilion in youth version
succession and innovation