
甘凉与甘温归肝肾经中药对雌二醇致小鼠肾阳虚的影响 被引量:6

Effects of Sweet-Cool and Sweet-Warm Chinese Medicine with Liver-Kidney Meridian Tropism on Estradiol-induced Kidney Yang Deficiency Mice
摘要 目的观察比较甘凉归肝肾经(女贞子、龟甲)与甘温归肝肾经(海马、菟丝子)中药对雌二醇致小鼠肾阳虚的影响。方法ICR雄性小鼠,随机分为正常对照组、模型对照组、金匮肾气丸组、女贞子组、龟甲组、海马组、菟丝子组。采用腹腔注射苯甲酸雌二醇造成小鼠肾阳虚模型。灌胃给药,连续12d,每日1次。期间观察小鼠体征,测量小鼠肛温、抓力、自主活动;末次给药后取血,测血清TP、ALB、TC、TG、ALT、AST等生化指标;取肝、肾、睾丸、精囊腺,测定脏器指数。结果女贞子、龟甲能增加肾阳虚小鼠自主活动,升高血清TP、ALB水平,其中女贞子还能增加抓力,减少肝脏指数,升高血清TC、TG水平。海马、菟丝子能升高肾阳虚小鼠的肛温,增加抓力和自主活动,增加精囊腺指数,降低血清ALT、AST水平,减少肝脏指数,其中海马还能增加肾脏指数,菟丝子还能增加睾丸指数。结论四味中药均通过甘入肝肾而表现出改善腰膝酸软、精神萎靡的作用,但在改善畏寒肢冷、性欲减退、肝功能损害等方面有一定差异。说明性味归经相同的中药可表现出相近或相同的药理作用;甘温、甘凉归肝肾经中药虽然味甘、作用部位在肝肾经,但因药性不同,药理作用仍有较大差异,故在"性味结合归经"层面探讨中药功效的共同规律可能更有意义。 Objective To compare the effects of sweet-cool Chinese medicine (CM) with liver-kidney meridian tropism (Fructus Ligustri Lucidi and Carapax Et Plastrum Testudinis) and sweet -warm CM with liver- kidney meridian tropism ( Hippocampus and Semen Cuscutae) on estradiol - induced kidney yang deficiency mice. Methods Eighty - four male ICR mice were equally randomized into seven groups: normal control group, model control group, positive control group ( Jinguishenqi Wan, 1.7 g · kg^-1), Ligustri Lucidi group(1.5 g · kg^-1), Carapax Et Plastrum Testudinis group (2.8 g · kg^-1), Hippocarnpus group(1.0 g · kg^-1) and Semen Cuscutae group(1.5 g · kg^-1). Kidney yang deficiency mice model was established by intraperitoneal injection of estradiol benzoate (4 mg· kg^-1 ), and then was given the corresponding drug by gastric infusion for 12 days, once a day. Indexes such as physical sign, rectal temperature, grip strength and locomotor activity were observed. Blood serum was separated to determine the levels of TP, ALB, TC, TG, ALT and AST after the last administration. Indexes of organs such as liver, kidney, testis and seminal vesicle were dissected and measured. Results Ligustri Lucidi and Carapax Et Plastrum Testudinis could heighten locomotor activity, increase TP and ALB levels in serum. Moreover, Ligustri Lucidi could heighten grip strength, reduce liver index and increase serum levels of TC and TG. It is indicated that Ligustri Lucidi and Carapax Et Plastrum Testudinis showed the similar pharmacological effects for having the same nature and meridian tropism in liver and kidney. They could regulate the imbalance of protein and lack of energy with the sweet flavor acting on liver and kidney meridians. However, they had no effects on aversion to cold and cold limbs in the kidney yang deficiency mice for cool nature. Both Hippocampus and Semen Cuscutae could heighten the rectal temperature, grip strength and locomotor activity, increase seminal vesicle index, decrease ALT and AST level, and reduce liver index. Moreover, Hippocampus could increase renal index and Semen Cuscutae could increase testis index. It is indicated that Hippocampus and Semen Cuscutae showed the similar pharmacological effects for having the same warm nature, sweet flavor and meridian tropism in liver and kidney. They could relieve symptoms of kidney yang deficiency such as soreness of the waist and knees, hyposexuality, aversion to cold and cold limbs, and lack of energy as well as the symptoms of liver deficiency through the action of sweet warm and meridian tropism in liver and kidney. Hippocampus, Semen Cuscutae, Ligustri Lucidi and Carapax Et Plastrum Testudinis had similar pharmacological effects through the action of sweet flavor and meridian tropism in liver and kidney. For example, they could relieve the symptoms of soreness of the waist and knees and lack of energy. However, they showed different pharmacological effects for the different nature, for example on relieving aversion to cold and cold limbs and hyposexuality. Conclusion Chinese medicine having the same nature, flavor and meridian tropism exerts the same or similar pharmacological effects. Correspondingly, sweet- cool Chinese medicine with liver- kidney meridian tropism has different effects from the sweet - warm ones with liver - kidney meridian tropism for their different nature. So it may be more significant to investigate the effects of traditional Chinese medicine from the aspects of drug nature and flavor integrated with meridian tropism.
出处 《中药新药与临床药理》 CAS CSCD 2008年第6期422-425,共4页 Traditional Chinese Drug Research and Clinical Pharmacology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划,2007CB512603)。
关键词 海马 菟丝子 女贞子 龟甲 肾阳虚 性味归经 Hippocampus Semen Cuscutae Ligustri Lucidi Carapax Et Plastrum Testudinis Kidney yang deficiency Drug nature, flavor and meridian tropism
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