一套集测绘生产管理、办公自动化、财务管理等众多功能于一体的综合性测绘生产管理与办公信息系统可以为测绘生产单位高效完成办公管理和准确把握单位发展方向提供强有力的保障。本文将设计与实现一套集众多功能于一体的测绘生产管理与办公信息系统(SM IS),所用到的技术主要有组件式开发技术、数据库技术.、NET技术等,从系统总体设计、数据结构设计、系统实现3个阶段阐述了该系统的设计与实现。
An integrated management information system on surveying production and office (SMIS) includes multitudinous functions such as surveying production management, OA, financial management, etc. For a department of surveying and mapping, it is very important for efficient office management and exact developing orientation. In this article, the SMIS will be designed and realized through total design,data structure and realization,mainly using the COM technology,the Object - oriented technology,the Database technology and the . NET technology.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology