通过3DMAX软件进行三维建模,利用EON Studio及Flash软件进行结构及通电模拟仿真,以VB.net软件为开发平台,研发某型航空相机虚拟维修训练系统,用以对地勤维护人员进行培训及模拟训练。该系统方便灵活,能满足维修人员的培训要求,不仅节约训练经费,也大大提高了新装备教学的水平及效果。
Use 3DMAX to implement three dimensional modeling, while adopt EON Studio and Flash to make simulations of structure under energization. Use VB.net as the platform, and develop an aerial camera virtual maintenance system, so that the ground service training and simulation can be realized. The sensitive and convenient system can meet the training requirements, save costs and can effectively advance the training result.
Ordnance Industry Automation