
中国体育用品制造业产业集聚程度变动趋势的定量研究 被引量:36

Quantitative Research of Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry Concentration Degree of Change in China
摘要 基于市场行业集中度指标(CRn)与产业空间集聚指数(β),对中国7大类体育用品制造行业2002—2007年的产业集聚水平进行测定及动态分析。结果表明:2002—2007年我国7大类体育用品制造行业的产品销售收入排名前6位的省(市)主要是广东、江苏、山东、浙江、福建和上海,该6个地区均隶属东部,中、西部则榜上无名,说明中国体育用品制造业产业集聚程度的区域差异非常明显。2002—2007年我国体育用品制造业、球类制造业、训练健身器材制造业、运动防护用具制造业、文教体育用品制造业与其他体育用品制造业的产业空间集聚指数均呈增长趋势,而体育器材及配件制造业的产业空间集聚指数却呈下降趋势。按其增幅大小顺序依次为:运动防护用具制造业>文教体育用品制造业>球类制造业>体育用品制造业>其他体育用品制造业>训练健身器材制造业。2007年运动防护用具制造业、球类制造业和其他体育用品制造业的产业空间集聚指数分别位居前三甲(β>0.1),其余4大类体育用品制造行业也均大于0.05,产业空间集聚指数位于0.05及以下的体育用品制造行业则为无,表明我国区域体育用品制造行业的空间集聚程度已非常显著。同时,就国内7大类体育用品制造行业的产业空间集聚指数与工业生产总值展开相关分析发现,中国工业总产值和体育用品制造业空间集聚程度存在较高的正相关关系。 The concentration of the industry market-based indicators and the space industry concentration index, 7 of the Chinese sporting goods manufacturing industry categories from 2002 to 2007, the level of industry concentration was measured. The results showed that: from 2002 to 2007, China's 7 categories of sporting goods manufacturing industry sales of the top 6 provinces (municipalities) are mainly in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Shanghai, which are attached to 6 months in the eastern region, no one in the western, sporting goods manufacturing industry indicates that China's regional differences in the degree of concentration was obvious. From 2002 to 2007, China's sports industry, sports industry, manufacturing fitness training, sports protective equipment manufacturing industry, culture and education, sporting goods manufacturing and other sporting goods manufacturing industry index showed a gathering space for growth, and sports equipment and manufacturing parts of the space industry concentration index showed a downward trend. Increase the size of their order: sports protective equipment manufacturing〉 sporting goods manufacturing culture and education〉 ball manufacturing〉 sporting goods manufacturing industry〉 other sporting goods manufacturing industry〉 training fitness equipment manufacturing industry. 2007 campaign protective equipment manufacturing industry, manufacturing and other ball games, sporting goods manufacturing industry gathering space index were among the top three, and the remaining 4 major categories of sporting goods manufacturing industry were also greater than 0.05, the space industry gathering index at 0.05 and below the sporting goods manufacturing industry is not that our region's sporting goods manufacturing industry gathering space has a very significant extent. At the sane time, seven domestic sporting goods manufacturing industry categories of industrial space and clustering index of industrial production value of analysis carried out revealed that China's industrial output value and sporting goods manufacturing space there is a higher degree of concentration of a positive correlation between.
作者 陈颇 赵恒
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期56-61,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
关键词 产业集聚 行业集中度 空间集聚指数 体育用品制造业 industrial clustering industry concentration concentration index space sporting goods manufacturers
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