
MP3解码器在AS3310D SoC上的优化

Optimization of MP3 decoder on AS3310D SoC
摘要 MP3是诸如音乐播放器,移动电话等移动设备上最为流行的高质量音频压缩格式。描述了在SoC芯片AS3310D上,基于通用软件优化技术和芯片上特有的DMA控制器,对MP3软件解码器的优化,最终获得了42.7%性能的提高和38.8%存储空间的节省。 MPEG-1 layer 3 is the most popular format for high quality compressedaudio in portable devices such as audio players and mobile phones. This paper proposes software optimization of MP3 decoder on SoC AS3310D based on general software optimization techniques and build-in DMA hardware controller, and the performance increase of 46.7 % and memory space decrease of 38.8 % over the original decoding software have been achieved.
作者 段云 戎蒙恬
出处 《信息技术》 2009年第1期1-4,共4页 Information Technology
基金 上海--应用材料研究与发展基金(07SA02)
关键词 MP3解码 RISC DMA 软件优化 嵌入式系统 MP3 decoding RISC DMA software optimization embedded system
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