以遥感 ( RS)、全球定位系统 ( GPS)和地理信息系统 ( GIS) (通称“3S”技术 )为主导的空间信息技术正日益广泛和深入地应用到包括地学、矿业在内的几乎所有与地理空间信息有关的领域中 ,并且给矿山测量提供了新的发展机遇 ,同时提出了新的任务。
The spatial information technology composed dominantly of RS,GPS,and GIS - generally called 3S systems have found increasingly extensive applications in geographical and mining spheres,and in all other sectors where geospatial information is involved .Application of spatial information technology presents to mining surveying not only a new opportunity of development but also new tasks.
Mine Surveying