
居家镇痛治疗对中晚期癌症患者生活质量的影响 被引量:10

Effect of Domestic Analgesia on Quality of Life Among Middle-or End-stage Cancer Patients
摘要 目的探讨居家镇痛对中晚期癌症患者生活质量的影响。方法对57例中晚期癌症患者以定期上门探访、电话随访为主要服务形式执行规范的居家镇痛治疗。结果疼痛缓解率92.98%,居家镇痛治疗1个月后患者整体生活质量及各个功能评分显著高于居家镇痛治疗前(均P<0.05)。结论居家镇痛治疗能显著提高大多数患者生活质量,减轻其躯体疼痛,为中晚期癌痛患者一种较好的治疗方式。 Objective To explore the effect of domestic analgesia on quality of life of middle- or end-stage cancer patients. Methods A total of 57 middle- or end-stage cancer patients received domestic analgesia through regular housebound visits and telephone follow- up by medical professionals. Results Among the participants, 92.98% obtained pain relief; one month after the domestic analgesia intervention, scores of patients' quality of life and scores of all function dimensions were significantly higher than those before the intervention (P〈0.05 for all). Conclusion The application of domestic analgesia can effectively improve the quality of life of middle-or end-stage cancer patients, and it can serve as an alternative therapy for cancer pain.
出处 《护理学杂志》 2009年第3期73-74,共2页
关键词 癌症 疼痛 镇痛 居家治疗 生活质量 cancer pain analgesia domestic therapy quality of life
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