What the western mainstream IR theory has been discussing is actually not the relationship among nation states, but the rules destined by ‘the lawmaker’ for the state of anarchy, nation states and humanity. The relationship among states is derived from these rules,which is also the legacy of ancient Grecian natural worship, Christian philosophy and the natural law of the Modern Age. Due to the fact that ‘the lawmaker’ has been long concealed in contemporary IR theory, the ontology of IR is therefore fragmentized and the correlation among humanity, nature of states and nature of IR is consequently cracked. Only by wiping off ‘the lawmaker’ in IR theory can the ontology of IR revert to its true state, that is, the relationtivity. In other words, the relationship among nation states and the nature of states can only be ascertained through mutual and multilateral reactions. IR is an evolutive process of interactions between self-organization and hetero-organization. Taking the relationtivity as the ontology of IR can bridge the gap between Chinese classical thoughts and the contemporary western philosophies, and moreover further construct the matrix of Chinese school of IR.
World Economics and Politics