Australian Cambrian rocks are concentrated in a meridional cratonic tract extending through northern and central Australia into South Australia. Smaller areas are present in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. The base of the Cambrian System is best exposed in the Amadeus Basin of central Australia. The Early Cambrian (approximately equivalent to Terreneuvian and Series 2) in northern Australia is mostly represented by unfossiliferous volcanic rocks, whereas the central and South Australian ba- sins include thick, variously fossiliferous sedimentary successions, most notably in the Arrowie and Stansbury Basins of South Australia. No stages have been proposed for the Australian Early Cambrian, despite recent advances in biostratigraphic knowledge, preliminary biozonations are now available for acritarchs, ichnofossils, archaeocyaths, trilobites, brachiopods, molluscs and other small skeletal fossils. The Ordian Stage of central and northern Australia, long regarded as earliest Middle Cambrian, may prove to be partially or entirely Series 2. Fossiliferous Middle Cambrian and Late Cambrian/Furongian rocks are most complete in the eastern Georgina Basin, but are also known in central Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. This interval is completely subdivided into stages, with the base of the Furongian Series conveniently coincident with the base of the Idamean Stage. Constituent zones are based mainly on a combination of agnostine and polymeran trilobites, with the addition of conodonts from the late Iverian onward. The top of the Cambrian System approximates the base of the Warendan Stage, best developed in the eastern Georgina Basin.
Journal of Stratigraphy