
认知闭合需要研究评述 被引量:36

A Review of the Studies on Need for Cognitive Closure
摘要 认知闭合需要是个体稳定的认知特征,描述了个体在面对模糊情境时是否愿意系统处理信息的动机。已有研究表明,认知闭合需要对个体的信息处理过程和决策结果有显著的预测能力。总体上说,高认知闭合需要的个体更容易利用启发式进行思考,因此此类个体更容易受到过度归因、首因效应等的影响。虽然大多数的研究表明认知闭合需要是个体稳定的认知特质,但也有研究者发现环境因素如噪音等可以在一定程度上、在短时期内改变个体的认知闭合需要的水平。因此,在相关研究中,认知闭合需要既可以通过量表测量,也可以通过在实验中改变环境噪音和时间压力等方法来操纵。已有的关于认知闭合需要的研究也有不足之处。首先,如何引导高认知闭合者克服匆忙做出决策的动机并采用分析式的方式处理信息和进行决策,目前的相关研究还很少;其次,已有的关于认知闭合的研究大都为实验室研究,因此这些研究的外部效度较低;第三,认知闭合需要在冲突研究领域的应用被忽略了。未来有必要针对这些不足之处进行相应研究。 Need for Cognitive Closure is one of individuals' stable cognitive characters. It describes individuals' motivation to process information systematically when people are facing ambiguous situations. Many researchers found that need for cognitive closure has significant influence on individuals' information processing and decision making. Generally speaking, individuals with high dispositional need for cognitive closure are more likely to rely on heuristics to make decisions, so they commit to cognitive traps such as over-attribution and primacy effect more frequently. Even though most researchers regarded need for cognitive closure as a stable cognitive character, others found that it could be changed to some degree by environmental factors such as noise in a short term. Thus, in a specific study need for cognitive closure can either be measured by a scale, or be manipulated by changing the level of environmental noise or time pressure. Previous literatures have some limitations as well. Firstly, few studies have been done to investigate how to make people with high dispositional need for cognitive closure to process information systematically. Secondly, almost all of the studies were conducted in laboratories so their external validity may suffer. Thirdly, even though it seems obvious that need for cognitive closure could be applied to the area of conflict research, this promising topic has been neglected totally so far. More studies are expected to overcome those limitations.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期51-55,共5页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 上海财经大学"211"新进人员科研启动基金 上海市青年教师专项基金支持
关键词 认知闭合需要 信息处理 决策 need for cognitive closure information processing decision making
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