
Nanocrystals precipitation and up-conversion luminescence in Yb^(3+)-Tm^(3+) co-doped oxyfluoride glasses 被引量:13

Nanocrystals precipitation and up-conversion luminescence in Yb^(3+)-Tm^(3+) co-doped oxyfluoride glasses
摘要 稀土元素离子与 28SiO2 的作文做了 oxyfluoride 玻璃 ? 潴栠牥栠灩 ? 楢慬整慲汬? 湡 ? 潴栠牥爠杩? Rare earth ions doped oxyfluoride glass with composition of 28SiO2·22AlO1.5·40PbF2·10PbO·(4.8-x) GdFy0.1NdF3.xYbF3·0.1TmF3 (x=-0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4.8) in molar ratio was developed. When the oxyfluoride glasses were heat-treated at the first crystallization temperature, the glasses gave transparent glass-ceramics in which rare earth containing fluorite-type nanocrystals of about 17.2 nm in diameter uniformly precipitated in the glass matrix. Compared with the glasses before heat treatment, the glass-ceramics exhibited very strong blue up-conversion luminescence under 800 nm light excitation. Rare earth containing nanocrystals were also space selectively precipitated upon laser irradiation in an oxyfluoride glass, the size of precipitated nanocrystals could be controlled by laser power and scan speed. The intensity of the blue up-conversion luminescence was strongly dependent on the precipitation of β-PbF2 nanocrystal and the YbF3 concentration. The reasons for the highly efficient Tm^3+ up-conversion luminescence after laser irradiation were discussed.
出处 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第6期919-923,共5页 稀土学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50572029) Natural Science Foundation Project of Yunnan Province (2007E036M)
关键词 氟氧化玻璃 纳米晶体 激光辐射 稀土 oxyfluoride glass nanocrystal up-conversion laser irradiation rare earths
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