
中国学术史研究的主要体式与成果 被引量:9

Research on Chinese Academic History:Chief Styles and Representative Works
摘要 中国学术史源远流长,其研究方法和形式也丰富多样,一有以庄周《庄子.天下篇》为发端的序跋体,二有以司马迁《史记.儒林列传》为发端的传记体,三有以刘向《七略》为发端的目录体,四有以程颐《河南程氏遗书》为发端的笔记体,五有以朱熹《伊洛渊源录》为发端的道录体,六有以黄宗羲《宋元学案》为发端的学案体,七有以梁启超《中国近三百年学术史》为代表的章节体,八有以民国期间刘汝霖《汉晋学术编年》、《东晋南北朝学术编年》为代表的学术编年体。文章对这八种学术史研究形式的起源、发展、特点、价值等作了全面系统的梳理,揭示了中国学术史研究的主要方式和基本成就。 The academic history of China is of long standing, and the research hitherto on it has been rich and diversified in methodologies and styles, involving: the preface-and-postscript style originating from Zhuang Zi - Tianxia Pian ( The Writings of Chnang Tzu XXXIII: Historical Phases of Taoist Teaching) by Zhuang Zi (Chuang Tzu, ca 369 BC -286 BC) ; the biographic style from Shi Ji -Rulin Liezhuan (Records of the Grand Historian CXXII: A Collective Biography of Scholars) by Sima Qian (ca 145 or 135 BC -86 BC) ; the bibliographic style from Qi LI (Seven Catalogues of National Collection of Books) by Liu Xiang (ca 77 BC -6 BC) ; the journal style from He' nan Chengshi Yishu ( A Recorded Heritage of the Cheng Brothers in He' nan) by Cheng Yi (1033 -1107) ; the genealogical style from Yiluo Ynanynan Lu (Confucianism during the Song Dynasty: A Genealogical Analysis) by Zhu Xi (1130 - 1200) ; the academic-profile style from Song Yuan Xue An (Scholars in Song and Yuan Dynasties: A Profile) by Huang Zongxi ( 1610 - 1695) ; the thematic-chapter style represented by Liang Qiehao ( 1873 - 1929) in his Chinese Academic History during the Last Three Centuries ( 1924 ), and the chronological style by Liu Rulin in his An Academic Chronology of Han and Jin Dynasties (1932) and An Academic Chronology of Eastern Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties (1936). An indepth and systematic study of the eight styles in regard to their origins, evolutions, features and signifieances, the present paper explores the chief methods and achievements in the study of Chinese academic history.
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期1-22,共22页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 序跋 传记 目录 笔记 道录 学案 章节 编年 preface and postscript biography bibliography journal genealogy academic profile the- maticehapter chronology
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