1Stephen Biddle, Michael E. O'Hardon & Kenneth M. Pollack, "The Evolution of Iraq Strategy", December 2008, http ://www. brookings. edu/papers/2008/12_iraq_biddle. aspx.
4James Phillips and Lisa Curtis, The War in Afghanistan: More Help Needed ,Backgrounder, No. 2124, April 17,2008, http://www. heritage. org/research/nationalsecurity/upload/bg_2124. pdf.
5"Obama, McCain Split over Afghan Strategy", The Boston Globe, July 6, 2008 .
6Gates : U.S. May Send More Troops to Afghanistan, Associated Press, July 17, 2008.
7"Statement by the President on Senate Confirmation of General David D. McKieman as Commander of U.S. Forces - Afghanistan", October 2, 2008, http://www. etrunk. kiev. ua/news/releases/2008/10/ 20081002 - 8. html.