2008年9月,长沙市开展了由市民通过网上投票评选"最喜爱的长沙十大古树"活动[1-3],其中入选的有樟树、罗汉松、日本五针松(Pinus parviflora)、银杏等。本次活动对提高全市人民对古树名木保护工作重要性的认识和宣传普及古树文化有重要意义。
The top 10 most favorable ancient trees were selected by conducting internet vote by citizens of Changsha city. Results showed that selected trees are of four species, Cinnamomum camphora, Podocarpus macrophyllus, Pinus parviflora, Ginkgo biloba. The event has significant implications for enhancing the awareness of importance of protecting ancient trees and to popularize the culture of ancient trees.
Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry