现今学院中日常的教学、科研等工作仍然采用费时、费力的传统管理方式,这已经不能满足学院日常事务管理快速增长的需求。详细讨论了如何采用Web Services技术来实现一个学院管理信息系统。首先介绍了Web Services技术的体系结构及其特点,其次描述了系统基于B/S体系的三层系统结构及功能设计,最后详细论述了Web Services技术在学院管理信息系统中的具体应用。
Nowadays,in college the daily affaires such as teaching,researching affaires still are done in traditional inefficiency ways. However,it can't serve the need of the highly increasing daily affaires in college. The article discusses how to realize a College Management Information System using Web Services technology. For the first, presents some general information about the Web Services technology. Then describes the architecture of system base on B/S pattern. At last gives the details of application of the system using Web Service technology.