目前,时域有限差分方法(Finite Difference Time Domain,FDTD)在电磁数值计算中已获得了广泛应用。对许多复杂电磁问题,FDTD算法需要耗费巨大的计算机计算时间和存储空间,这成为FDTD方法亟待解决的难题。本文提出了应用基于消息传递(Message Passing)方式实现FDTD的并行算法。并对基于MPI不同通信方式的并行FDTD进行了效率比较。采用MPI2.0单边通信方式中的put操作和主动对象同步(PSCW)方式,在一套16个节点的Beowulf型网络并行计算机系统上,实现了三维FDTD并行程序,获得了较高的加速比和并行效率。
Nowadays,Finite Difference Time Domain(FDTD)has been applied widely in electromagnetic calculations.But when it is applied for complex electromagnetic problems,the FDTD method may cost a lot of computation time and huge computer memory,which has already become an urgent problem needed to be solved.This paper introduces a strategy for parallel implementation of FDTD algorithm based on MPI parallel environment.The efficiency of parallel FDTD using different MPI communication methods is measured.On a Beowulf PC cluster system with 16 nodes,an optimized three-dimensional FDTD parallel program using the Put operation and the General Active Target Synchronization(PSCW) achieved a highest speedup ratio and parallel efficiency.
Journal of Microwaves