The Eighth International Symposium on Science and Processing of Cast Iron
The Eighth International Symposium on Science and Processing of Cast Iron
1Eighth International Symposium on Science & Processing of Cast Iron (SPCI8)[J].China Foundry,2006,3(1):81-81.
22007 Xi'an International Symposium on Solidification[J].China Foundry,2007,4(1):86-87.
3The 6th International Symposium on Refractories[J].China's Refractories,2010,19(4):20-20.
4The 6th Arab Foundry Symposium (ARABCAST 2006)[J].China Foundry,2006,3(1):82-82.
5LIU Zi-li (College of Material Science & Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China).Recent Development of Lost Foam Casting Technology Comment on the 7th Chinese Lost Foam Casting Symposium[J].China Foundry,2006,3(3):224-228.
7The 6^(th) International Symposium on Refractories[J].China's Refractories,2011,20(3):25-25.
9Titles of Papers Contained in Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Science and Processing of Cast Iron[J].China Foundry,2006,3(4):337-338.
102008 Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Cast Iron:Call for papers[J].China Foundry,2007,4(4):358-359.