1982年4月至1983年4月,我们对固原地区绵羊甘肃结节虫(Oesophagostomum kansuensis)的季节动态进行了调查,发现绵羊体内成虫的寄生量和每克粪中虫卵的个数有显著的季节性变化,二者的变化呈正相关(P<0.05)。冬季成虫的寄生量显著减少,1月下半月,成虫的感染率和平均载虫量以及每克粪中的虫卵数都达到最低水平,分别为40%、0.5条/只和0。3月下半月至5月上半月为成虫“春季高峰”,感染率和平均载虫量分别达100%和246.9~272.9条/只。5月是虫卵“春季高峰”,达112~168个/克粪,7月份再次出现高峰。据分析“春季高峰”系由先年秋季感染并蛰伏下来的幼虫复苏而引起。另外,还发现不同年龄的羊的载虫量不同,1岁小羊最多,5岁以上老羊次之,2~4岁青年羊最少;雌虫的寄生量比雄虫多,它们的比是1.24:1,二者差异极显著(P<0.01)。
The seasonal dynamic of Oesophagostomiasis kansuensis in Gu-yuan
County was studied from April 1982 to April 1983. The Fecal examinations and worm counts from 240 sheep substantiated a distinct seasonal variation. The minimum burdem of adult worm in sheep and the least eggs in the feces appeared in the second half oi January, while the incidence and degree of infection and e.p.g. was 40%,0.5 s.p.h.(specimens per host ) and O respectively. The first and highest peak of number of adult worm, during which the incidence and degree of infection was 100% and 246.9~272.9 s.p.h.respectively, was found from the second half of March to the first half of May;The second and shorter peak appeared in August and September.The spring peak of e.p.g. occured in May, and the same peak appeared in July again.
The development of inhibited larvae infesting sheep in autumn led to both the spring peaks.Infection of sheep during summer with the larvae which formed in that season results in some extent of increase in population of adult worm in autumn.
The average burden of adult worm was 114.3 s.p.h. in yearling, 82.4 s.p.h. in old sheep over five years and 63.59 s.p.h in adult sheep between two and four years old. The author attribute those differnce to the variation of immunity and resistance.