
Relationship Between Effect of Electro-Acupuncture on Prolactin Secretion and Several Central Neurotransmitters

Relationship Between Effect of Electro-Acupuncture on Prolactin Secretion and Several Central Neurotransmitters
摘要 We have reported that the central mechanism of acupuncture-induced PRL secretion in non-lactating rats are related to antagonizing hypothalamic dopamine activity; noradrenaline system played little significant role in the acupuncture effect; Υ-aminobutyric-acid system perhaps participated in this effect.This paper further provided evidence that central serotonin and EOP play a stimulatory role in the acupuncture induced secretion of prolactin; acupuncture may antagonize inhibitory effect of H<sub>2</sub> histamine receptor activation on prolactin secretion; the possible role of H<sub>1</sub>-receptor needs further investigation. We have reported that the central mechanism of acupuncture-induced PRL secretion in non-lactating rats are related to antagonizing hypothalamic dopamine activity; noradrenaline system played little significant role in the acupuncture effect; Υ-aminobutyric-acid system perhaps participated in this effect.This paper further provided evidence that central serotonin and EOP play a stimulatory role in the acupuncture induced secretion of prolactin; acupuncture may antagonize inhibitory effect of H_2 histamine receptor activation on prolactin secretion; the possible role of H_1-receptor needs further investigation.
出处 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1989年第S2期8-13,共6页 Journal of China Medical University
基金 Project supported by the National Natural Science Fund
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