We observed for the first time the differences of immunoreactive β-endorphin(IR -β- EP) content in plasma, pituitary and hypothalamus of rats under various conditionsusing radioimmunoassay (RIA) and the effects of naloxone and β - endorphin (β- EP) antiserumon initial time of convulsions (ITC), severity of convulsions(SOC) and mortality on surface(MOS) of rats to hyperbaric oxygen(HBO). The results suggest thatβ- EP may partici-pate in the course of oxygen - induced convulsions and be one of endogenous convulsion - causingagents.
We observed for the first time the differences of immunoreactive β-endorphin (IR -β- EP) content in plasma, pituitary and hypothalamus of rats under various conditions using radioimmunoassay (RIA) and the effects of naloxone and β - endorphin (β- EP) antiserum on initial time of convulsions (ITC), severity of convulsions(SOC) and mortality on surface (MOS) of rats to hyperbaric oxygen(HBO). The results suggest thatβ- EP may partici- pate in the course of oxygen - induced convulsions and be one of endogenous convulsion - causing agents.