Objective The purpose of the study was to determine the type of study, the level of statistics and the extent of common statistical problems that were employed by the published articles. Method Three hundreds and sixty original articles published in the Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine from January 1993 through December 1995 were reviewed.. Results Observational and experimental designs were reported in nearly two thirds and one third, respectively. All these articles used descriptive statistics most frequently, followed by ttest and chisquare analysis of contingency table. Sixtyeight per cent of the articles that employed statistical techniques contained at least one statistical problem. The most common inadequacy was the statement of a probability value without a complete summary of the statistical results, failure to list the statistical tests and the alpha level used. The inappropriate use of statistics was reported in 32 per cent of the articles. Thirtyfive per cent were failure to include a control group in clinical trials. Conclusion We recommended that rather more comprehensive statistical guidelines to be reported should be given for contributors.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui