目的初步了解老年人群中代谢综合征(MS)及其组分的患病情况,探讨MS组分的聚集与随访期间新发糖尿病及心血管疾病风险的相关性。方法选取1996年5~6月在我院接受健康体检的北京地区大于60岁男性干部1 036人。截至2006年6月共随访10年,Logistic回归分析新发心血管疾病与糖尿病发病风险的相关因素以及MS组分聚集与发病风险的相关性。结果基线人群中达到MS诊断标准的人数占总体人群的24.80%。新发糖尿病人群其基线时血糖、BMI及血压水平均显著高于未发生糖尿病的人群,新发心血管疾病的人群其基线时2hPG、BMI、血压及TG均高于未发生心血管事件的人群,HDL-C显著低于未发生心血管事件人群。与心血管疾病发生风险相关组分为SBP、DBP、BMI、TG、HDL-C及2hPG;与糖尿病发病相关的组分为FPG、2hPG、BMI、SBP与DBP。调整年龄因素后,随MS组分个数由0个逐渐增加为1、2、大于等于3个,新发心血管事件及新发糖尿病风险逐步升高。结论老年人群属MS高危人群,在该人群中MS各组分与新发心血管疾病及糖尿病密切相关,MS组分聚集则新发心血管疾病及糖尿病风险逐步增高。
Objective To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and the MS components in the senile population, and analyze the association between the cluster of the components and the risks of new-onset cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes during the follow-up. Methods A survey was carried out among 1094 male subjects aged 60 years and over who underwent health examination in our hospital from May to June in 1996. All the subjects were followed-up for 10 years. MS was diagnosed by using the definition of Chinese Diabetes Society (CDS) in 2004, and diabetes was diagnosed if fasting glucose ≥mmol/L or had received the relative diabetes therapy. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the the association between the cluster of the components and the risks of new onset diabetes and CVD. Results In the baseline there were 257 subjects diagnosed as MS, accounting for 24.80 percent of the overall population. Components of the MS including SBP, DBP, BMI, TG, HDL-C and 2hPG were correlated with the incidence of new onset of CVD. FPG,2hPG,BMI,SBP and DBP were correlated with the incidence of diabetes. After adjusted with age, the relatvie risk(RR) of incidence of CVD for the presence of 1, 2, ≥3 versus zero components of MS were 1.63, 3.18 and 6.56, respectively and the RR of diabetes were 2.35,3.92 and 12.49, respectively. Conclusions In the senile population, the prevalence of MS is high. The components of MS are closely correlated with the incidence of new-onset CVD and diabetes. With the cluster of the components, the risk of CVD and diabetes increases gradually.
Chinese Journal of Diabetes
Metabolic syndrome
Cardiovascular disease
Senile population