To evaluate the protective level of Schistosoma japonicum 22.6kDa antigen,a cDNA fragment,encoding Sj22.6kDa antigen, was amplified from the clone Sj 514 by PCR andsubcoloned into expression plasmid vectorpGEX-IXT which coded for 22.6kDa GST of S. japonicum,and then transferred into E. coli TG2. The positiverecombinant poasmid could express 22.6kDa protein as well as 26kDa GST in E. coli TG2. The positive recombinant plasmid could express 22.6kDa protein as well as 26kDa GST in E. coli TGZ after being induced by IPTG.But the two proteim were expressed separately. The sequence data showed that there was a stop coden TAA inthe upstream of the start coden ATG of the open reading frame,which might explain why 22.6kDa proten and26kDa GST were not expressed in fusion protein.Mice were vaccinated with recombinant 22.6kDa antigen in the band cut from SDS-PAGE gel and mixedwith FCA (Complete Freunds ad invent). Vaccination experiments showed that there was a protection,about 38.93%,in terms of worm burden reduction,but no significant level of reduction in the number of eggs in the live ofimmunized mice. Recombinant Sj 22.6kDa antigen was a promising vaccine candidate of S. japonica.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses