Opening style English teaching promoted bilateral and multilateral interaction, advocated student-centered, roles of teachers, and the development of the classroom scope. By using all modern teaching facilities, It served for English language ditional closed-style and cramming method line with the needs of Chinese new English teaching, and overcame the disadvantages of the trateaching model. Opening style English teaching mode is in curriculum reform, the demand for English personnel train- ing in the new century, but also adapts to the needs of the diversified methods of students learning English . The theory and practice of opening style English teaching is still in the exploratory stage. There are still some problems. In order to build opening style teaching system, we must realize "Five opening" : the establishment of opening teachers and students relationship, the creation of open-ended language environment, the design of opening teaching contents, the design of the opening theme assignments, the perfectibility of the open-ended teaching evaluation systems.
Journal of Kaili University
opening style teaching
traditional English teaching mode
opening style teaching system