在杂交小麦选育中,为了更好地利用细胞质雄性不育性,研究与不断挖掘新的不育细胞质类型及其对应育性恢复基因以改良现有不育资源至关重要。基于这一目的,本文对具有山羊草属细胞质的四类不育系线粒体 DNA (mtDNA)进行了 RAPD 分析,分别比较了具有同一细胞质背景的山羊草、雄性不育系,以及该类不育系与恢复系组配的可育杂种 F1 的 mtDNA 的变异性。结果显示,供试山羊草与其对应细胞质雄性不育系在 mtDNA 上存在明显多态性,表明不育系在质核互作的影响下很可能已导致mtDNA 发生变异;而不育系与对应的可育杂种 F1 在 mtDNA 上也存在多态性,同样表明育性恢复核基因对不育系进行育性恢复的过程中亦可能引起 mtDNA 发生相应变异;mtDNA 变异很可能涉及到不育系育性本质的改变。
In order to produce a good F1 hybrid variety in wheat, it is necessary to explore a new male-sterile cytoplasm and its nuclear restore gene(s). Four alloplasmic male sterile lines of wheat with Aegilops cytoplasm were developed to identify mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation that could potentially be associated with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). mtDNA isolated from the Aegilops species, the respective male sterile lines and F, hybrids were analyzed by RAPD markers. Reproducible polymorphisms were detected between the A egilops species and male sterile lines. Above results indicated that mtDNA variation existed in the cytoplasm donors and male sterile lines resulted from genetic interactions between common wheat nucleus and A egilops cytoplasm, and have affected the structure of the mitochondrial genome. Similar results were also obtained in male sterile lines and fertility-re- stored F1 hybrids. These demonstrated the variation ofmtDNA in fertility restoration by the combination of the fertility restorer gene(s), and fertility restoration involved a strong influence of nuclear restorer genes on mtDNA organization. The variation of mtDNA in A egilops species, their respective CMS lines and fertility-restored F1 hybrids may reflect the fertility divergence.
Molecular Plant Breeding
supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (301705760)
Chinese National Programs for High Technology Research and Development (2002AA207004)
Special Program of National Agricultural Biotechnology & Breeding Center Yangling Branch