
我国10省社区药物维持治疗受治者有关社会保障权益的现况调查 被引量:1

A study of rights of social security among clients attending community-based methadone maintenance treatment program in 10 provinces of China
摘要 目的了解社区药物维持治疗受治者有关公民社会保障权益的现况,加强门诊和相关部门对保护吸毒人员社会保障权益的关注。方法采用方便抽样方法,首先通过门诊调查问卷表,对云南等10省(自治区、直辖市)49个社区药物维持治疗门诊的受治者,其社会保障权益现况进行调查,随后对调查当时正在受治的549人进行一对一问卷调查,补充门诊调查信息,进一步了解该人群社会保障权益情况。结果在49个调查门诊中,有1203人享受了当地最低生活保障制度,占被调查门诊应答人数的9.9%(1203/12114)。2924人参加了不同形式的社会医疗保障,占被调查门诊应答人数的23.0%(2924/12699)。8714人无业或从未就业,占被调查门诊应答人数的65.4%(8714/13333)。2170人因吸毒失去工作,占被调查门诊应答人数的17.9%(2170/12097)。受治者无法支付门诊治疗费用而脱失的人数,占被调查门诊应答人数的7.1%(889/12582)。调查期间正在受治的549名受试者的调查结果,与49个门诊调查的总体结果基本一致。结论目前门诊受治者中仍有相当一部分人未能享有国家政策规定的社会保障权益,有关部门需加强落实门诊受治者应享有的社会保障权益的相关政策,使他们的合法权益得到保障。 Objective To understand rights of social security among the clients attending community-based meth- adone maintenance treatment (MMT) and to raise concerns of MMT clinics and related government sectors with this issue. Method Through convinient sampling method, 49 MMT clinics in 10 provinces, (municipalities and autono- mous regions) were selected to survey their client's overall status of social fsecurity rights and interests protection. In addition, 549 clients who were on MMT treatment during the survey were invited to have a face-to-face interview using convinent sampling approach. Results In the 49 surveyed clinics, 1203 people were entitled to benefits of lo- cal security system of minimum living standard, accounting for 9.9% (1203/12114) of the respondents in the sur- veyed clinics; 2924 people were beneficiaries of social medical insurance in different forms, accounting for 23.0% (2924/12699) of the respondents in the surveyed clinics; 8714 people were unemployed or had been jobless ever since, accounting for 65.4% (8714/13333) of the respondents in the surveyed clinics. A total of 2170 people lost their jobs due to drug abuse, accounting for 17. 9% (2170/12097) of esponelent in the surveyed clinics; A total of 7.1% (889/12582) of the clients dropped off from the treatment because they could not afford to pay the cost of treatment. Results from the interview of 549 subjects were consistent with those from the survey of 49 MMT elin- its. Conclusion There are a considerable proportion of MMT clients who have not enjoyed the social security rights and interests in line with the national policy. The related government departments and MMT clinics should further enforce the corresponding national policy and increase the awareness and ability of right protection among the clients.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2009年第3期249-251,281,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 社区药物维持治疗 社会保障权益 Community-based methadone maintenance treatment Clients Protection of Social security rights and interests
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