
弓形虫感染实验动物模型的特点及建模方案的选择 被引量:4

Characterization and Selectively Construction of Laboratory Animal Model Infected with Toxoplasma gondii
摘要 弓形虫感染对人类生活和畜牧业发展构成严重威胁。弓形虫感染实验动物模型是进行弓形虫学相关研究的基础条件之一。在实际研究工作中,根据不同的实验目的、选取不同的实验动物和以不同的实验方法所建立的实验动物模型,呈现出复杂和多变的特点。这一方面可以满足不同实验的需要,但同时也在实验结果的评价上导致一定程度的不足。根据弓形虫感染实验动物模型的不同特点,针对特定的实验目的,选择适合方法建立适合的实验动物模型,是进行相关弓形虫学研究的有效基础和前提。 Infection of Toxoplasma gondii proves to be one of the great threaten for human being's life and stockbreeding. Laboratory animal model infected with Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most important basic elements in the study on toxoplasmosis. In practical research, the animal models are complicated and variable due to the different goals, different animals and strains of Toxoplasma gondii used in the experiments and different ways of infecting, which meets the needs of all kinds of studies, but also leads to the fact that the results derived from the studies couldn' t be compared and repeated effectively and the scientific value was weakened to some extent. Thus, it is effective and essential to selectively construct the laboratory animal model according to the specific goals.
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第6期82-86,共5页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2008A060202021)
关键词 弓形虫 模型 动物 Toxoplasma gondii Model, animal
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