
肾脏体积与性别和年龄及体重参数的关系分析 被引量:6

Renal Volume Measurements at CT:Correlation with Sex,Age,and Parameters Related with Body Weight
摘要 目的:探讨肾脏体积与性别、年龄及体重参数的关系,确定正常成人肾脏体积CT测量的参考范围。方法:连续选取160例无肾病,无服用肾脏损害药物史,无高血压和糖尿病病史者的腹部CT资料,分为20~40岁、4l~60岁、6l~80岁3个年龄组,采用阈值法对320个肾脏体积进行测量。统计学分析肾脏体积与年龄及体重参数的相关性,各年龄组、性别及左右间的差异有无显著性意义。结果:160例全肾、右肾和左肾的平均体积分别为(325.871±46.211)ml、(159.793±24.221)ml和(166.078±24.734)ml,男、女全肾平均体积分别为(340.232±47.604)ml和(306.933±36.795)ml;肾脏体积与各体重参数有一定的相关性,其中相关性最强的指标是肾脏体积与体表面积的相关性(r=0.676);3个年龄组间肾脏体积均数的差异有显著性意义(F=7.234,P<0.01)男女性别间肾脏体积的差异有显著性意义(P<0.01);左、右肾体积的差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。结论:体表面积可以作为临床粗略估计肾体积大小时的参考指标。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between the volume of the kidney and age, sex, and parameters related with body weight,and to establish the range of the normal renal volumes by using CT measurement. Methods:One hundred and sixty patients without history of renal disease or long term intake of potentially renal toxic drugs or history of hypertension and diabetes underwent renal volume measurement with spiral CT. All the patients were divided into 20-40, 41-60,and 61-80 year-old groups. Measurement of threshold was used to calculate the total renal volume and of the right and left, respectively. The relationship between age, different body weight parameters such as weight, body mass index (BMI), body surface area, and a combination of weight and height and renal volume was evaluated by using regression analysis,and the differences in the measurements between the sexes,right and left kidneys,and among the three groups were an alyzed statistically. Results:The mean volume of tile entire kidney and of the right and left was (325. 871-±46. 211), (159. 793± 24. 221 ) and (166. 078± 24. 734) ml, respectively. The renal volume and the parameters related with body weight were correlated significantly;The body surface area was the best reliable body size parameters for the volume of the kidney (r= 0. 676) ;The differences among the three groups were significant (F=7. 234,P〈0. 01) ,and there was also sta- tistically significant difference between the sexes, right and left kidneys in the renal volume. Conclusion: Body surface area enables one of the suitable and convenient estimates in evaluating the volume of the kidney in normal adults.
出处 《放射学实践》 北大核心 2009年第6期651-653,共3页 Radiologic Practice
基金 苏州社会发展(SZD0765)
关键词 体层摄影术 X线计算机 体重 统计学 非参数 Tomography,X-ray computed Kidney Body weight Statistics,nonparametric
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