针对薄壁堆焊结构裂纹类缺陷定位、定量检测的需要,引入TOFD(time of flight diffraction)超声检测系统进行了堆焊层缺陷的检测方法研究。研究了裂纹类缺陷超声衍射时差法的检测特征,分析了不同角度探头和不同探头间距对近表面裂纹类缺陷检测结果的影响。研究结果表明,TOFD法可以检测到堆焊层表面下3~10mm内的垂直裂纹,结合A扫描信号和B、D扫描图像的特征,能够有效地对裂纹状缺陷进行识别、定位和定量,为堆焊质量评价提供可靠准确的依据。
For the purpose of identify and size Crack-type defects in the structure of overlay welding,the detection approach of the time of flight diffraction ( TOFD ) was adopted in this research. Studied it's detect features, analyzed and interpreted it's characteristics of A-scanning signals and B-scanning, D-scanning images. The results showed that this approach can detect vertical cracks correctly located from 2 - 10mm under the surface. Combined with A-scanning signals and B-scanning, D-scanning images that can identify,located and quantify cracK-like defects effectively. This testing technology is valuable for inspector to estimate the quality of surfacing welding and also provides more reliable and accurate information.
Welded Pipe and Tube