
我国中小企业电子商务采纳动机实证研究 被引量:10

Empirical Study on the E-business Adoption Motivation of Chinese SMEs
摘要 在整合现有关于电子商务采纳动机研究文献的基础上,将中小企业电子商务采纳动机归纳为效率动机、关系动机和合理性动机.使用问卷调查法获得数据,用回归分析验证了效率动机、关系动机以及合理性动机对于采纳决策的正向影响关系.通过两阶段聚类法,对样本企业进行分组,现场访谈将采纳企业分为"压力型"、"效率驱动型"、"探索型"以及"专家型"企业,发现效率动机在采纳电子商务后的作用逐渐显现;关系动机在采纳前对采纳决策影响很小,但随着知识积累其影响作用越来越大;合理性动机的整体变化不大,但在采纳前对采纳决策的影响相对更大. Based on literature review, the E-business adoption motivations of SMEs are classified into the efficiency motivation, relationship motivation and legitimacy motivation. With the data from questionaries, it uses regression analysis method and finds that the efficiency motivation, relationship motivation, legitimacy motivation all have positive effect on the adoption decision. With the two-stage clustering method, it divides the sample enterprises into "pressure" enterprise, "efficiency-driven" enterprise, "exploring" enterprise and "expert" enterprise, and analyses the effects of adoption motivations on adoption decision.
作者 熊焰
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期105-112,共8页 R&D Management
基金 上海市教委社会科学研究基金资助项目(08ZS169)
关键词 中小企业 电子商务 采纳动机 采纳决策 small-and-mediate enterprises (SMEs) E-business adoption motivation adoption decision
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