利用蛋白质单向和双向电泳的方法研究了人工老化处理对玉米种子蛋白质组的影响.结果表明,与对照相比,老化6 d的种子中14,40 kD 2条多肽的含量有显著差异,14 kD多肽在老化1 d即消失,主要存在于子叶和胚根中;而40 kD的多肽在老化的后期消失,存在于整个胚中.双向电泳发现14(pI 6.2),30(pI 5.8),36(pI 5.5),35(pI 5.5)和22 kD(pI 5.1)多肽的含量在老化6 d的种子中明显减少,40(pI 6.5),29(pI 6.4),15(pI 5.4),21(pI 5.3)和35 kD(pI 5.6)多肽消失,而20(pI 6.5),20 kD(pI 6.7)多肽的含量则显著增加,说明老化的种子蛋白质组发生了明显改变.
The effect of artificial ageing on proteome of maize seeds (Zea mays cv. Zhengdan 958) were studied by using SDS-PAGE and 2 -D gels analysis. Two differentially expressed protein bands 14 and 40 kD in 6 d artificially aged seed were found compared with the control. The 14 kD band disappeared in the 1 d artificial ageing seed and it mainly existed in the cotyledon and radicle, while the 40 kD band disappeared in the late stage of artificial ageing and existed in the whole embryo. Among more than 300 protein spots resolved in the 2-D gels, spots 14 (pI 6.2), 30 (pI 5.8), 36 (pI 5.5), 35 (pi5.5) and 22 kD (pI 5.1) were down-regulated; spots 40 (pI 6.5), 29 (pI 6.4), 15 ( pI 5.4), 21 ( pI 5.3) and 35 kD ( pI 5.6) disappeared in 6 d aged seeds. In contrast, spots 20 ( pI 6.5) and 20 kD (pI 6.7) were up-regulated. These results demonstrated that seed proteome had greatly changed during seed ageing.
Journal of Henan Agricultural University