通过心理声学实验研究了5.1通路环绕声重放中前方左、右,以及左环绕、右环绕四个扬声器通路信号相关性与听觉空间印象之间的关系。结果表明,对前方左、右扬声器重放或左环绕、右环绕扬声器重放,都可以通过控制通路信号的相关系数在一定程度上改变前方或后方声像的宽度。对不同频率范围的信号,声像宽度与通路信号的相关系数之间的定量关系有所不同。但对一对侧向扬声器重放,基本上不能通过控制通路信号相关系数来改变声像的宽度,并且声像宽度很窄。对于前方和环绕两对扬声器同时重放,对粉红噪声和中心频率不大于1 kHz的倍频程信号,适当控制各扬声器对通路信号的相关系数可以获得较强的包围感;但是对中心频率为2 kHz和4 kHz的倍频程信号则无法获得包围感。进一步的理论计算和实验测量结果表明,重放声像宽度和双耳听觉互相关系数(IACC)并没有唯一对应的关系,这可能和IACC的计算方法有关。对于IACC的计算方法和适用性还需要进一步的实验验证。本文的结果将有助于实际的环绕声节目制作和评价。
The relationship between the cross-correlation coefficients of feeding signals and auditory spatial impression (ASI), which are created by left, right, left surround, right surround loudspeakers in 5.1 channel surround sound system is investigated by psychoacoustic experiments. Results show that for reproducing by the front left-right or left-right surround loudspeakers pair, the auditory source width (ASW) can be broadened to some extent by controlling the cross-correlation coefficients of feeding signals. The quantitative relationships between ASW and the cross-correlation coefficients is frequency dependent. However, for reproducing by a pair of lateral loudspeakers, ASW can't be changed by controlling the cross-correlation coefficients of feeding signals. For reproducing by front and surround loudspeakers pairs simultaneously and for pink noises and octave noises with central frequencies no more than lkHz, a strong sense of listener envelopment (LEV) can be obtained by controlling the cross-correlation coefficients of feeding signals properly. However, for the octave band noises with central frequencies at 2 kHz and 4 kHz, LEV can not be obtained by control the cross-correlation coefficients of feeding signals. Further theoretical calculations and measurements show that there isn't a unique relationship between the inter-aural cross-correlation (IACC) and ASW in 5.1 channels surround sound reproduction, which may be due to the algorithms of calculating IACC. Further experimental verifications are needed to investigate the applicability of IACC for evaluating ASI. The results will be helpful to the actual surround sound programming recording and evaluation.
Acta Acustica