目的了解汕头市区恶性肿瘤疾病构成特点,为掌握肿瘤流行病学特点提供参考。方法分析汕头大学医学院第一附属医院和第二附属医院2003~2007年13 637例新发恶性肿瘤住院患者的疾病顺位和性别年龄分布。结果胃食管癌和肺癌在恶性肿瘤构成中仍然居前列,其中男性前三位恶性肿瘤为:胃癌、肺癌、食管癌;女性前三位为:乳腺癌、胃癌、肺癌。男女比例为6∶4。恶性肿瘤确诊年龄(54.83±16.59)岁,男性平均年龄为(57.00±16.32)岁,女性平均年龄为(51.52±16.44)岁。结论汕头市恶性肿瘤发病年龄呈年轻化趋势。胃食管癌、肺癌仍是汕头市恶性肿瘤防治重点。
Objective To understand the composition and characteristics of malignant tumor in Shantou area, meanwhile to offer reference for tumor epidemiology. Methods analysis the disease seat arrange vary, age and gender distribution of 13 637 patients with new - onset malignant tumor in the first and second aff'diated hospital of Shantou University during 2003 - 2007. Results gastric esophageal cancer and lung cancer are still as the top three sites. The first three malignant tumors are gastric cancer,lung cancer,esophageal cancer on male, and breast cancer, gastric caneer,lung cancer on female. The ratio between men and women is 6:4 . The diagnosed mean age of malignant tumor is 54.83 ± 16.59 years old,among them,male age is 57.00 ±16.44 and female age is 51.52±16.44. Conclusion The oeeurrenee of malignant tumor has the trend of rejuvenation. Gastric esophageal eaneer, lung cancer are still the prevention and treatment emphasis in Shantou area.
Modern Hospitals
New -onset malignant tumor, Composition and characteristics, Epidemilongy