
日照市缺碘调查与补碘现状分析 被引量:3

Investigation of Iodine Deficiency and Analysis on the Present Situation of Iodine Supplementation in Rizhao City
摘要 [目的]调查日照市居民碘营养水平,为碘缺乏病的防治提供基础资料与科学依据。[方法]在所辖区域范围内,对居民饮用水水碘水平、8~10岁儿童尿碘水平、甲状腺疾病病例尿碘水平、居民食用碘盐状况等进行调查。[结果]日照市水碘中位数为4.1μg/L,8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数为266.1μg/L,甲状腺疾病病例组尿碘中位数略高于对照组,居民户碘盐指标均达到了国家碘缺乏病消除标准。[结论]日照市属碘缺乏地区,实施补碘措施后,人群碘营养水平达到充足且稍偏高状态。 [Objective]To offer the basic data and scientific foundation on control iodine deficiency disorders by investigating residential nutrition level of iodine in Rizhao city. [Methods]Investigation of iodine in drinking water iodine in urine of children aged 8-10 years old iodine in urine of the patients with thyroid diseases/status of edible iodized salt was conducted in Rizhao city. [Results]The median of iodine in drinking water in Rizhao city is 4. 1μg/L; the median of iodine in urine of children aged 8- 10 years old is 266.1 μg/L; the median of iodine in urine of the patients with thyroid diseases is slightly higher than that in the control group;indexes of household iodine salt reach up the national standard of eliminating iodine deficiency disorders. [Conclusion]Rizhao city belongs to iodine deficiency area, residential nutrition level of iodine reaches up sufficient and slightly high state after implementation program of iodine supplementation.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2009年第8期700-702,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 碘缺乏地区 水碘 尿碘 碘盐 Iodine deficiency area Iodine in drinking water Iodine in urine Iodized salt
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