一.公开市场操作 7月份,央行共进行了6次正回购操作.总金额为3850亿元,较上月增加了550亿元(见表1):共发行了9期央行票据,发行总量为2800亿元,较上个月减少了300亿元(见表2)。7月,央行通过正回购操作回笼资金的力度有所回升,回购资金量较6月份回购量增加了550亿元;共进行了6次正回购操作,其中4次为28天期.2次为91天期。回购利率均有所上升,28天期回购利率月初为1。0%,较上月末上升了5BP;月末为1.12%,
Open market operation
In August, the central bank made 4 repo operations worth of 265 billion yuan, down 120 billion yuan compared with the month-ago figure (see table 1). It also issued 8 central bank papers with total value of 438 billion yuan, up 158 billion yuan compared with the month-ago figure (see table 2).
China Money