
对犯罪网络的模糊层次聚类分析 被引量:2

Criminal Network Analysis Based on Fuzzy Hierarchical Clustering
摘要 将模糊处理技术与层次聚类算法相结合运用于犯罪网络分析,提出一种新的基于模糊层次聚类算法的犯罪网络分析方法.基于"9.11"事件数据集的实验结果表明,该方法在划分网络的同时,能够找到类属具有模糊性的成员,从而为打击犯罪提供有益的帮助. Criminal network analysis has aroused concern from many researchers with the increasing num- ber of gang crimes. At present, the study of criminal network analysis is based on the classical set theory, and which can not find members who have ambiguous class attribute in the criminal network. To this end, the authors propose a hierarchical clustering method based on fuzzy set theol;y through combination of fuzzy processing technology and hierarchical clustering method. The experimental results show that this new method can find the members who have ambiguous class attribute when partitioning the network.
作者 潘芳 张自力
出处 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期210-214,共5页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 教育部社科重大招标项目(05JZD0008)
关键词 犯罪网络 聚类 模糊层次聚类算法 criminal network clustering FHCM
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