DLG数据是城市地形要素的主要表达形式,如何对DLG数据的采集过程进行质量控制、质量检查,如何对DLG数据进行客观的质量评价,是值得探讨和研究的问题。本文针对1:500 DLG数据生产的各个环节,全面介绍了其质量控制、质量检查、质量验收、质量评定的内容和方法。
DLG data is the main expressing mannner of city topography feature,how to control the quality of DLG data processing,how to evaluate the DLG data,is a valuable problem.Aiming at the all process of 1:500 DLG data processing,this paper introduces the content and menthod of its quality control,quality check,quality accept and quality evaluate.
Beijing Surveying and Mapping