
四节金小蜂科在我国的首次发现并记述一新种(膜翅目:小蜂总科) 被引量:2

The Discovery of Tetracampidae (Hymenoptera) from China with Description of a New Species
摘要 四节金小蜂科Tetracampidae是小蜂总科中的1个小科。1968年统计,全世界只有2亚科6属18种(Boucek and Askew,1968)。1971年,苏联的Sugonjaev根据在蒙古和苏联的哈萨克加盟共和国采到的标本描述了3新属1新亚科。Boucek于1988年又记述了澳大利亚的1个新属。这样,四节金小蜂科现在共包括3亚科10属31种(不含化石种)。我国迄今还未见有本科昆虫分布的报道。 Two species belonging to Mongolocampinae (Tetracampidae) were reared from the leaf galls of Nitraria tangutorum Bor. (Zygophyllaceae) in Ningxia by Prof. Gao Zhaoning. After a careful study by the author, one of them is found to be new to science and the other new to China. This is the first discovery of the family appearing in China. They are briefly described below. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Entomological Museum of Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi:1. Platyneurus baliolus Sugonjaev, 1974 (Figs. 1 - 6)Specimens examined: 115 (?) (?) 68 (?) (?) , Lingwutan, Ningxia, 1988-Ⅴ-10, reared by Gao Zhaoning, from leaf galls of N. tangutorum, which were caused by Aphaniosoma sp. (Diptera, Chiromyiidae).2. Mongolocampe zhaoningi Yang, sp. nov. (Figs.7-13)Female. 1.5-1.8 mm long. In natural dried specimens head and gaster collapsed seriously, especially frons, even eyes collapsed towards the sunken part. Head and thorax dark green with metallic luster . In normal specimens a yellow spot situated at upper innner orbit and before lateral ocellus. Gaster lemon-yellow with lateral sides having dark bands and venter darkened largely. Eyes purple red, bare. Antennal scrobes connected and not deep, with strong violete luster. For dimension of head in dorsal view see Fig. 8. Head without occipital carina. Interantennal toruli convex as a low crest. Distance between toruli as long as a torulus diameter. Toruli just on lower ocular line. Face receding towards oral fossa with some short hairs. Crescent clypeus with four bristles on apex. Tongue-like labrub two times as long as clypeus, yellow in color. Breadth of oral fossa slightly less than 1 / 2 of head maximum width (11: 23). For antenna see Fig. 9. Thorax stout and convex moderately with thin and sparse hairs on the surface. Pronotum short and lower than mesoscutum. Notauli very superficial but complete. Distance between ends of notauli nearly 1 / 2 the breadth of mesoscutum (17 : 37) and, therefore, the mid lobe much bigger than the side lobe. Axillae slightly protruding medially, not connected at base of scutellum. Scutellum large, subro'unded, with width about 7/10 and length about 1.2 times of mesoscutum respectively. Dorsellum narrow. Propodeum short, its middle length not reaching 1 / 5 of scutellum (5 : 23); slightly convex in the middle and gradually receding towards its lateral sides, without any carina; spiracle near front margin with a distance just about its longitudinal diameter. For curiouos wings see Figs. 11-12. Legs well devedloped, all tibial apices with only one spur shorter than basitarsus except mid tibia with its spur longer than basitarsus. Gaster lanciolate, in dried specimens, without petiole, its length distinctly longer than length of head plus thorax combined (90 : 66).Male. 1.2-1.5 mm long. For antenna and forewing see Figs. 10,13. Gaster length subequal to head plus thorax combined.Holotype (?) , paratypes 2 (?) (?) 6 (?) (?) , data same as the above species, Platyneurus baliolus.The new species resembles M. kozlovi Sugonjaev, but may be easily separated by the characters below: 1) Female with eyes smaller, so temple distinct, its length more than 1 / 6 of eye in dorsal view (1.2 : 6.0) (the latter almost without temple); 2) antennae of male and female having funicles 3-5 about as broad as long (the latter having those obviously transverse); 3) the expanded vein of male close to base of forewing and its surface with reticulate patterns, the post marginal longer tnan the stigma vein and with an angle between two veins only about 10°?(Fig. 13) (the latter with post marginal vein much shorter than the stigma, and the two veins with an angle about 45° ?).
作者 杨忠岐
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1990年第2期145-150,共6页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 膜翅目 四节金小蜂科 新种 Hymenoptera——Taxonomy / Tetracampidae, Mongolocampinae,New Species.
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