
栓系隔离挤乳对伊犁马驹体尺及血清生化指标的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Tethered and Isolated Ili Foals on Body Measurement and Serum Biochemical Indexes
摘要 选取出生日期相差在10 d内的伊犁马驹24匹,自30日龄后,每日08:30~18:30马驹与母马栓系隔离,其余时间自由采食母乳。测量马驹70、115、140、155和170日龄体高、体长、胸围、管围,并对170日龄试验马驹体尺指标、血液生化指标与野外放牧马驹进行比较分析。结果表明:伊犁马驹体高与胸围生长发育曲线的交叉点在120 d左右;栓系隔离马驹与野外放牧马驹各项体尺指标及各项血液生化指标(TP、Alb、Glob、A/G、Chol、K、Na、Cl、TCa、P、Mg)均无显著差异;栓系隔离马驹与野外放牧马驹各项血液生化指标均处于正常生理范围内,但血清Alb值均接近正常值的下限,分别为24.95±2.53和25.92±2.87 mmol/L。 The experiment was conducted to select 24 folas of more than 30 d of difference of birth date with no more than 10 d age, the foals were isolated from the mares by lines between a.m. 08:30 and p.m. 18:30 , at other time the foals have breast freely. The body length, withere height, chest girth, cannon circumference of foals were measured in 70 days old, 115 days old 140 days old, 155 days old, 170 days old. The comparative analysis was carried out on the index of body measurement, the index of blood biochemistry between the tested foals in 170 d age and the foals grazing in the field. In the result was shown, the cross point of withers height and chest circumference of lli foals is around 120 days. There were no significant differences in body measurement index and blood biochemistry between tethered and isolated Ili foals and the foals grazing in the field(TP, Alb, Glob, A/G,Chol,K,Na,Cl,TCa,P, Mg)which were located in a normal range level. Value of Alb reached the lower limit of normal value, they are 24.95 ± 2,53 mmol/L, 25.92 ±2.87 mmol/L, respectively.
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期1107-1110,共4页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家科技部国际科技合作重点项目"乳用马品种引进及杂交改良初步试验研究"(2005DFA30760) 新疆维吾尔自治区科技厅重点攻关项目"引进乳用马品种开展杂交改良试验研究"(200541101)
关键词 伊犁马 血清生化 体尺指标 Ili horse serum biochemical body measurement index
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