Objective:To evaluate the clinical toxicity and efficacy of Kanglaite injection combined with concurrent chemora-diotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer.Methods:Forty-eight patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer were randomized into two groups.The combination group received chemotherapy of NVB+DDP regimen,radio-therapy was given with conventional fraction in 2Gy per fraction and five fractions per week.The total tumor doses were 56~60Gy.Combined with Kanglaite injection 200 ml/d for consecutive twenty-one days for two courses, and the control group was chemoradiother-apy only. Toxicities and effects were evaluated according to the criteria of WHO. Results; The CR in combination group and control group were 20.0% and 13% ,respectively(P〉0.05). Response rate of combination group was 80.0% and 69.5% in control group (P〉0.05). Grade 3-4 leukocytopema,grade 3--4 digestive system and grade 3-4 radiation esophagitisin combination group and control group were 40.0 % , 8.0 % , 16.0 % and 69.6 % , 34.8 % , 43.5 %, respectively(P〈0.05). KPS and bodyweight score significantly increased in combination group after the combinedtreatment (P〈0.05). Conclusions: Kanglaite injection combined with concurrent chemoradiotherapy could relieve side effects of chemo radiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer,and improved life quality. Kanglaitc could increase effectiverate of locally advanced non small cell lung cancer combined with concurrent chemoradiothrapy.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry
Kanglaite injection
Concurrent chemoradiotherapy
Non-small cell lung cancer