研究了在高Q Kerr介质腔中,关联双模SU(1,1)相干态场与V型、Λ型和Ξ型三能级原子相互作用的量子纠缠性质。采用数值计算方法,详细讨论了Kerr效应对模场和原子之间纠缠程度的影响。研究发现在高Q Kerr介质腔中,模场与原子之间的纠缠受到Kerr效应影响的规律是一致的,在介质参数达到一定值前,模场与原子之间的纠缠随介质参数的增大而增大,超过这一定值后反而会降低它们之间的纠缠。
The quantum entanglement of three-level atoms, which include a V-type three-level atom, a Atype three-level atom and a -type three-level atom, interacting with two-mode SU(1,1) coherent states in a high Q cavity with Kerr medium is studied. By numerical method, the influences of field parameters and Kerr effect on the quantum entanglement are discussed in detail. The result shows the laws of the three type atoms are coincident with the effect of Kerr in a high Q cavity with Kerr medium, before Kerr parameter reaches a certain value the quantum entanglement increases rapidly. However, the quantum entanglement is reduced when the parameter is over the certain value.
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics