目的是在儿童牙外伤生产实习中引入以问题为中心教学法(Problem Based Learning简称PBL),利用自行编制的教学病例进行讨论学习,为PBL教学推广摸索经验。在临床工作中收集牙外伤病例建立素材库,通过分类,整理和筛选,以冠折类外伤病例为基础编制了教学病例,学生实习指导和教师参考用书。通过2轮学生使用逐渐完善。在学习中发现教学病例涵盖了牙外伤基本知识点,使用效果较好,为其他专题教学病例编制积累了经验。
Problem Based Learning was conducted in the study of trauma of pediatric dentistry .The teaching case compiled by ourselves was used for PBL. The trauma cases were collected in the clinical work to build up a case source bank. The crown facture cases were sorted out by means of repeated sifting. The teaching case was compiled on the basis of the crown fracture cases. The students guide and tutor guide for PBL were also compiled. They were improved and perfected by using among 2001 and 2002 grade five medical students. The teaching case covered almost all the basic knowledge points of trauma in the permanent teeth. The application was effective and the first-hand data was accumulated for making other teaching cases.
Journal of Medical Information