通过冷变形量和热处理工艺方面进行试验,提出造成2024合金拉制棒性能散差大的主要原因是冷变形量的大小,找到减小同批材料性能差别大及强度不合格问题的解决措施。制定合理的生产工艺:先淬火,再冷变形,最后人工时效,淬火温度493℃,保温40m in;冷变形量不大于6.0%;时效温度100℃,时间5h,从显微组织分析指出形变热处理强化是变形与相变既互相影响又互相促进的一种工艺,从而保证2024合金拉制棒的抗拉强度、屈服强度和断后伸长率合格,提高了产品的成品率。
Cold deformation and heat treatment processes to test, the result of 2024 alloy drawn rods scattered poor performance is mainly due to large amount of cold deformation of the size, reduce the same batch of materials to find the performance difference between large and intensity measures failed to resolve the issue. To develop a reasonable production process :first quenched and then cold deformation, the final artificial aging, quenching temperature 493 ℃, thermal insulation 40min;cald deformation no greater than 6.0% ;aging temperature 100℃ ,time 5h, microstructure analysis from the thermomechanical treatment enhanced deformation and phase transformation is not only influence each other and promote each other and a process to ensure that 2024 alloy rods drawn tensile strength, yield strength and elongation of qualified fractured to enhance the product yield.
Henan Metallurgy
cold - work quantity quenching performance