
灯火阑珊之处--乔伊斯《死者》的圣杯骑士传统 被引量:5

James Joyce’s "the Dead" and the Grail Knight Tradition
摘要 《死者》是詹姆斯.乔伊斯短篇小说集《都柏林人》中最后的一篇,与西方圣杯骑士传统有着微妙的联系。在《死者》中,伽布里欧被刻画成一位变形的圣杯骑士,为了拯救荒原(都柏林)踏上了寻找圣杯(大陆文化)之旅,并在经历了两次象征性的洗礼后获得顿悟,原来他所寻觅的圣杯是虚幻的,借鉴大陆文化只是表象,发扬本土文化才是根本,只有将两者结合起来才能创建都柏林的繁荣。 James Joyce' s "the Dead" hood. Gabriel here is described as a transformed bears Grail the tradition of Holy Grail Knight- Knight, stepping onto the road for seeking the Holy Grail in order to rescue the waste land of Dublin. He acquires an epipha- ny from two baptisms and realizes that what he is pursuing is illusionary. While the Holy Grail is far-fetched, Dublin is the very site where he and his people can build up their own prosperity.
作者 罗益民 张荷
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期77-86,共10页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 乔伊斯 《死者》 圣杯骑士传统 James Joyce, "the Dead", the Grail Knight tradition
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