Objective To investigate the effect of minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) on sulbactam combinated with the third-generation cephalosporins against muhidrug-resistance Aeinetobacter baumannii so as to provide basis for clinical application. Methods A total of 39 concecutive clinical isolates of Acinetobacter banmannii received in the affiliated hospital of North Sichuan Medical College. And they are divided into three groups:Group A(4 isolates susceptible to the third-generation cephalosporins), Group B (25 isolates resistant to the third-generation cephalosporins but susceptible to imipenem ) , Group C ( 10 isolates resistant to both the third-generation cephalosporins and imipenem) . The MICs of the third-generation eephalosporins (IMP, CFP, CAZ, CRO) used alone and its' Sulbaetam combinations were tested in different concentration gradient by the agar dilution test. Results The MICs tested by agar dilution test of CFP、CAZ、CRO( except imipenem) eombihated with sullbactam were obviously decreased than they used alone except IMP/SB. And the MIC of CFP/SB is 259. μg/ml , the MIC of CFP is 21.0μg/ml ; the MIC of CAZ/SB is 143.7μg/ml , the MIC of CAZ is 24. 0μg/ml ; the MIC of CRO/SB is 157. 3μ/ml , the MIC of CRO is 23, 0μg/ml. Conclusions The muirresistant Aeinetobaeter baumannii was more sensitive to the third-generation eephalosporins combinated with sul- lbaetam than others. And to those resistant to the third-generation eephalosporins , the combinated antibiotics can make it sensitive in a certain drug concentration.
China Practical Medicine
Acinetobaeter baumannii
The Third-generation eephalosporins
Drug resistance