JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)是一种轻量级的数据交换语言。它基于ECMA262语言规范(1999-12第三版)中JavaScript编程语言的一个子集。本文介绍了一个将JSON数据交换语言应用于地震信息在Google Maps上标注的Mashup Web服务的实验。本实验表明:对于基于Web2.0的地学信息服务来说,JSON确实是一种较灵活的技术方案。
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight computer data interchange format which is specified in RFC 4627. In this paper, we introduce an experimental application of JSON to Mashup Web Service related to the earthquake information labeled on Google Maps The experiment result indicates that JSON is indeed a flexible technical solution to Web 2.0 based geological information service.
Land and Resources Informatization