
脑灰质异位症的MRI诊断 被引量:2

MRI diagnosis of gray matter heterotopiad
摘要 目的探讨MRI对脑灰质异位(heterotopic gray matter,HGM)的诊断价值,提高对脑HGM的MRI表现及临床特征的认识。方法回顾性分析8例经MRI诊断的脑HGM的MRI形态学特征及临床表现资料,男4例,女4例,年龄3月~26岁,平均10.9岁。8例患者中,间断性头痛、头晕2例,反复癫痫发作4例,智力低下1例,健康体检偶然发现1例。所有患者均行MRI平扫。结果8例患者中,病灶呈结节型5例、板层型2例、桥带型1例,异位灰质位于室管膜下2例,皮质下3例,室管膜下与皮质之间3例,1例异位灰质区域可见脑脊液信号。单纯HGM4例,2例合并透明隔缺如、胼胝体发育不全,1例合并巨脑回畸形、胼胝体发育不全,1例合并脑裂畸形。结论脑HGM是导致癫痫的常见原因之一,MRI是诊断脑HGM的最佳影像学手段。 Objective To explore the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging in heterotopic gray matter(HGM),and to improve the understanding of its MR1 manifesta- tions and clinical features. Methods Morphologic characteristics of MRI and clinical data of 8 patients (included 4 males and 4 females, aged from 3 months old to 26 years old, mean age 10.9 years old) with HGM diagnosed by MRI were retrospectively analyzed. 2 patients with intermittent headache or dizziness, 4 patients with repeated seizures,one patient with mental retardation and one patient for healthy examination were attendant respectively. All patients underwent plain MRI scanning. Results Among all patients, there appeared to show nodular signal lesions in 5 patients, band type in 2 cases, and bridge-shaped type in one patient. 2 lesions were located at subependymal zone, 3 lesions were located at subcortieal zone and 3 lesions located between subcortical zone and subependyrnal zone, one lesion also contained CSF signal. 4 patients with HGM also combined other intracranial malformations,in which 2 pa- tients combined with absence of septum pellucidum and hypoplasia of corpus callosum, one patient with megagyria and hypoplasia of corpus callosum, and one with schizencephaly. Conclusion The heterotopic gray matter might be one of the important causes of epilepsy, and MRI is the optimal modality in diagnosing HGM.
出处 《中国CT和MRI杂志》 2009年第5期19-21,共3页 Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
关键词 灰质异位 磁共振成像 heterotopic gray matter magnetic resonance imaging
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